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i take my waking slow {8/26/14}

Kelley Clink

Today's prompt is Morning.

Morning light in my office

I am not, and never have been, what is referred to as "a morning person." I've often wished I was. People sing morning's praises highly. Many writers say it's when they get their best work done. It's supposedly peaceful and fresh and full of promise. 

I wouldn't know. My brain is a pile of dead slugs until noon. 

Once I lamented this fact in the presence of a very poetic stranger. He said I was looking at it all wrong. He said I came from the Theodore Roethke school of morning

Since then I have nurtured my nature. I keep my mornings quiet and unscheduled. I practice mindfulness, and gently wait for my consciousness to fully return. 

Morning light in the dining room

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