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Hello, and thanks for checking out my site! I’m an author, illustrator, artist, and suicide prevention/mental health advocate. Over the years my writing has appeared in numerous magazines and literary journals, including Gettysburg Review, Colorado Review, Shambhala Sun, Woman's Day, and The Huffington Post. I’ve spoken about my lived experience as a suicide attempt and loss survivor to crowds as big as 4,000 and books clubs as small as 6. In 2014 I won the Beacon Street Prize in Nonfiction, and was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. In 2015 my memoir A Different Kind of Same was published, and was named Book of the Year by the Chicago Writers Association.

My artwork has recently appeared in Photo Trouvee Magazine (issues 7 and 10), the Making Space show at the Lill Street Art Center, This is Your Allowance at Positive Space Studios, Tiny Works at the Fulton Street Collective, the 2023 Terrain Biennial, the Angelica Kauffmann Gallery, and more.

I’m currently working on a young adult novel and several picture books. If you are interested in booking me for a speaking engagement or a book club, please contact me here.

If you are interested in purchasing prints that aren’t in my shop, or you’d like to contact me about commissioned artwork, you can use the contact form here, or email me directly at

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