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a different kind of same, a memoir


In the spring of 2004, my brother Matt, my only sibling, died by suicide. As I grieved, I wondered if there was anything I could have done to save him. I wondered if there was something I needed to do to save myself.

“Anyone who has lost someone to suicide will find and take courage from this brave and beautiful book.”

— Abigail Thomas, author of "Safekeeping," "Three Dog Life," and "What Comes Next and How to Like it"

“A gripping and wounding book that invited me to think—and keep thinking—about grief, survival, and what it means to heal.”

— Ryan Van Meter, author of "If You Knew Then What I Know Now"

“With calm and elegant strength, she tells the story of her love for her brother and her desire to understand how to be a sister after a sibling has died.”

— Jessica Handler, author of "Invisible Sisters" and "Braving the Fire"


Essays / Articles

Under The Sun; Volume XIV No. 1, Summer 2008

South Loop Review; Volume 10,  Fall 2008; Volume 8 Issue 3, Spring 2009 

The Gettysburg Review; Volume 22 Issue 3, Fall 2009

The Prose-Poem Project; Volume 1 Issue 3, Winter ‘10

Tiny Lights: Flash in the Pan; 23rd Flash, Winter 2010

Cadillac Cicatrix, Issue 5, Spring 2011

Shambhala SunSpace, July 2012

Colorado Review, Summer 2013

Redivider, Issue 12.1, Winter 2014

Woman's Day, May 2015

Writer's Digest, June 2015, July 2015

To Write Love on Her Arms, September 2015

Brain, Child Magazine, September 2015

TriQuarterly, July 2016

Bella Grace, Spring 2018



HuffPost Live, May 2015

411 Teen, July 2015

101.9 The Mix, July 13, 2015

Michigan Radio: Stateside with Cynthia Canty



WTF Are You Reading? July 2015

Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb, September 2015

Washington Independent Review of Books, September 2015

Colorado Review, Fall 2015

Psych Central, Spring 2016

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