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(extra) soft animal

the august break {8/1/13}

Kelley Clink

This year I have decided to pick up the gauntlet thrown down by one of my favorite writer/photographers, Susannah Conway, and attempt what she calls The August Break.


Don't let the name fool you. The August Break is a daily photo challenge for the month of August. There are prompts (optional), an Instagram hashtag, and a Flickr group. I've attempted a daily photo blog once before, but it's been a while and I have a lot more going on. But I've also been feeling uninspired and creatively unmotivated, so I'm hoping this will be rejuvenating. If not, you'll probably see a lot of pictures of my dog. 

I figured I'd kick off the break with one of my trademark shots: LINES. Everyone knows I love me some horizontal lines. Throw in some light and shadow, and you got yourself the perfect photograph.


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