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(extra) soft animal

a long wait {3/31/14}

Kelley Clink

On this, the last day of March and the first day it's reached 60 degrees in Chicago this year, I've been thinking about how hard it is to wait for change.

Change almost always takes longer than we want it to. Longer than we think we can stand. Gray day after gray day we wait, and the branches stay bare.

Sometimes it feels like change will never come. Sometimes it takes years. Sometimes it takes decades.

Sometimes we find beauty in the bareness. Sometimes we find peace in standing still.

But a lot of the time we rail against the darkness. We cry for life to be different. We grieve for wanting unfulfilled.

Though the branches remain bare, the sky is blue today. The warm breeze promises blooming. No matter where you are in your life, change is coming. Fight it, grieve it, welcome it, embrace it. Whether it melts away the darkest winter or strips the blossoms from the trees.

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