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(extra) soft animal

grammer {3/19/14}

Kelley Clink

I've written in the past about how much I dislike social media. If it were up to me, Facebook wouldn't exist. And don't get me started on Twitter. Don't even get me started. (hashtag 80s standup). But there is one social media program I actually love, that I check every day and would miss if it were gone: Instagram.


For me, Instagram is like a conversation in pictures. You show me a piece of your world, and I'll show you a piece of mine. I mostly follow friends, but I also follow artists, photographers, and complete strangers who happen to take lovely photos and often pair them with lyric captions. I only check my feed once a day, first thing in the morning, while I am still in bed. It inspires me to start the day with my eyes open, to look for those moments where (as Cartier-Bresson says) the heart, eye, and mind align.

Or to see cute pictures of my friends' pets.


Either way, I like that Instagram urges me to live in the moment. To look for bursts of color and patterns of light and shadow. To tell a story with an image. To clip a piece of my experience and toss it into the wind.

I've added an link to my Instagram account here (check out the social media bar on the left). Let's share pixels! 


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