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prevention month {9/2/15}

Kelley Clink

As you may (or may not) know, September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This year September 6-12 has been designated Prevention Week, and September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Awareness Day.

This is obviously a cause that is important to me. I do believe suicide is preventable, and I think one of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective things we can do to prevent suicide is to talk about it. This year I'm partnering with BookSparks and their #SPEAKOUT campaign to bring attention to suicide awareness. All month long I'll be posting about suicide prevention, postvention, mental health, and everything in between. I would be honored if you would join me. Here are five ways you can take part:

1) THIRTY PERCENT of all proceeds from A Different Kind of Same purchases made on September 10th will go directly to Alliance of Hope for Suicide Survivors, a non-profit organization that provides healing support for people coping with the shock, grief, and complex emotions that accompany the loss of a loved one to suicide. Buy the book on September 10th and then email us your receipt.

2) Help us spread the word on your own blog. Download this badge and use it in your posts, include it on your sidebar, and link it back to this blog.

3) Facebook it: Update your Facebook cover photo

4) Tweet it: Update your Twitter cover photo and profile pic and TWEET THIS: I'm helping @BookSparks & @Kelley_Clink to #SpeakOut for suicide prevention and suicide loss survivors!

5) Brand it: Download our #SpeakOut Graphics and share them on your social media platforms using the #SpeakOut hashtag and tagging @BookSparks and @kelley_clink

Keep checking back in here and on Facebook--we have lots planned for this month. And please share your stories, thoughts, and hopes. Together we can save lives.

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