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(extra) soft animal

winter light {1/6/14}

Kelley Clink

What with the holidays and all, I haven't been taking many photographs. None, actually. Now that I have been home for almost a week, I decided to pick up my camera again. But what to photograph? It's -15 degrees outside, and there is at least two feet of snow on the ground. 

Luckily I have a system when I'm stymied, photography-wise: Look for the light. I forget sometimes that it's as simple as that. 

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Now I'm not always the hugest fan of winter. I don't mind the cold so much as I mind the layer of gray blotting out the sky. But when the curtain of cloud cover drops, the winter sunlight falls over the frozen world like a layer of pale silk. It is, truthfully, my favorite light to shoot. 

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Stay warm, friends. And when days of darkness begin to wear you down, remember to look for the light.

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